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- 31 - Bike Ride & Ice Cream Social at Blue Heron Lake (Racoon River
Valley Park). Meet by the boat ramp at 6:30.
- 9 - School Night for Scouting in the Western Hills Cafeteria
& Gym, beginning at 7 p.m.
Current Scouts and Leaders are to come
and help with recruiting new scouts. Play games in the gym, and tell your stories
about scouting. Get a friend to join the Pack and earn a Recruiter badge!
Refreshments served after the presentation.
- 18 - Pack Meeting at the Shepherd of the Valley Church at 39th & Ashworth.
- 27 - Family Camping at the District Fall Camporee at Prairie Flower Camprground on
Saylorville Lake. It's an all day event for Cubs! Make sure you send in your
registration by September 15th! Map and Registration form are on the District
website (see our Resources page for the link). Webelos, you're invited to stay with
the Troop on the 26th, too! The Troop will be cooking for us the evening of the
27th. Other details to follow!
- 17 - Popcorn Sales begin!